What happens at my appointment?
Once your vet has requested an assessment by one of our cardiologists, we will contact you directly to arrange an appointment at your most convenient clinic, depending on how urgently your pet needs to be seen. Initial consultations are in the mornings and any procedures such as heart scans or ECGs will usually be performed the same day.
The cardiologist will review the case details and any additional information from your vet, and then sit down with you for a consultation which typically lasts around 30 minutes. During this time your pet will be examined and the options for investigation and potential treatment will be discussed, along with an estimate of cost for any procedures. Most patients will require an ultrasound scan (to look at moving pictures of the heart beating) and/or and ECG (recording of the electrical activity of the heart). Both tests are non-invasive and usually performed without sedation.

When you return to collect your pet later that day the cardiologist will discuss the results of any tests, and form a plan for ongoing treatment and monitoring. We will then provide both you and your vet with a written report of our findings and treatment recommendations. We will update you with any further results (e.g. blood tests) as they become available.